
Our Iconic Projects



n 1970's, Drinking Water supply through pipeline was A luxury for people living in remote villages. Under World Community Service (WCS) scheme, a Drinking Water project was implemented in Hampi Village, adopted by our Club, with financial assistance of Rory Club of Japan and South Sydney.


ICCU 1992

Hospet with a population of 1.25 lakh did not have an 1CCU even in private Nursing Homes until 1988. Patients had to be moved to Bellary, Hubli or Bangalore. When Dr. Raghavendra Vijayangar of USA, a NRI from Hospet and a Cardiac Surgeon wanted to help the poor people of Hospet, the idea of setting up an 1CCU in the 100 bed Govt. Hospital took birth. Rotary Club of St. Petersburg West, Florida, USA and RI Dist 6950 sponsored this project and the Rotary Foundation released a grant of $ 20,000. This was commissioned at a cost of Rs. 3, 40,000/- in 1992-93 under matching grand No. 1747



People with damaged cornea are blind and the only way to bring back sight to them is through cornea grafting. The donor, in such cases, is usually a dead person. Cornea Grafting process is highly time specific i.e., Cornea is to be removed from the dead body within 6 hours and grafted to the done within 48 hours. Such facility was available only in Hubli and Bangalore.Satyavathi Rotary Eye Bank" was established in 1998 at Netra Lakshmi Vydyalaya at a cost of USD 23,323 (Rs.8, 40,000/-). Rotary Club of Dolton, Carpet City & R.I. Dist 6959 jointly sponsored our project under Matching Grant Project Ni, 6959. Under this project, we have donated all the necessary equipments and a Van , both for publicity & Cornea (Eye) ) collection.



During 1997-98, Rotary Foundation for the first time allowed construction of Low Cost Houses to the poor, under Matching Grants, on a pilot scheme basis. As usual, our club was one of the early birds in grabbing the opportunity to serve. Rotary Club of Taiwan-RI Dist3480 sponsored our project along with our contribution and Rotary Foundation granted $ 10,000 (Rs. 3,50,000/-) at a cost of Rs. 42,500/- per House (250 Sq.ft.) Ten permanent houses with RCC roofing and separate bath cum toilet were constructed in ten different localities of Hospet, for the poor & deserving families.



During 1997, Rotary Foundation under "Children's Opportunity Grants" invited project proposals from Clubs all over world, for the benefit of the children less than 16 years. Our proposal was to provide Prosthetics viz. Crutches, Calipers to polio-affected children, Conduct corrective surgeries to children with congenital deformities, provide tricycles and wheel chairs to handicapped children, was appreciated and approved by Rotary Foundation and a grant of $20,000 was sanctioned. Prosthetics. Those children are sent to the Rehab center in batches of 8 to 10 at a time. They are required to stay in the rehab for a week or 10 days time during which time the prosthetics are prepared on site and training is given to them to use them properly fully funded by the club Corrective Surgery: Corrective surgeries are performed by a renowned Pediatric Orthopedic surgeon (Trained in USSR) in his hospital situated 300 miles away from Hospet. The children identified in a camps by the doctor himself, are sent to the hospital along with their parents, in small batches of 2-4 children at a time. Those surgeries which normally cost about Rs. 20,000/- ($ 500) are definitely out of reach of poor people. The results are excellent and almost all the children who underwent this surgery have become self reliant self confident. After seeing the results, many parents who were apprehensive earlier have now approached the club. Considering the usefulness of the project and the tremendous response from the public.


HEPATITIS 'B' Project. [2000]

After AIDS, Hepatitis B Virus is said to be the most dreaded one with no cure, once the person is afflicted with it. Even through this disease can be prevented by vaccination, the vaccine, unfortunately, is very costly and definitely out of the reach of poor. Hence, when Dr. Ashok Kumar a NRI Doctor from Hospet wanted to help the poor people of Hospet his own native place, the idea of taking up immunization of poor children against Hepatitis 8 was automatically mooted Along with Dr. Ashok kumar's contribution of $ 10,000, the Rotary Club of Muskogee, Georgia, USA another $ 10,000 and the Rotary Foundation released a grant of $ 40,000 under Matching Grant No. 10960. Three rounds of immunization to 8500 children studying in 13 different Govt. / Municipal Primary Schools at Hospet and Munirabad were a massive and a challenging project. The Rotary Club of Hospet proved its efficiency and dedication in this project. This project proved every successful and the image of our club has gone up high in the community..



Rotary Club of Hospet felt that private schools which collect hefty fees can provide computer education in their schools but students studying in Govt. Schools were deprived of this facility due to lack of lacking of computer lab in the schools. With the aim to overcome this handicap of Govt School Students and to keep them abreast with computer education was established in the yearthis Project was 2005.Courses in imparting basic Computer education is provided in this institute at a nominal fee affordable by the students just enough to cover the stationary cost. Tally classes have also been introduced at very nominal fee.



There is no facility at Hospet at present for the safe disposal of Bio medical waste and all the Hospital waste and all the Hospital waste is being thrown open causing spread of diseases. Outs will be the first Incinerator in the state to be set up on a co-operative basis. The waste generated in the Govt. as well as private hospitals is pooled and then disposed off in this incinerator. Hospet branch of Indian Medical Association will be maintaining the Incinerator.



In order to provide the facilities like urinal, toilet and bathroom for the use of resident of Hospet and tourists, a Toilet complex is being built in the shopping area of Hospet. Clock room facility is also Being provided in this complex.



In the Govt. and Municipal schools in Hospet and surrounding villages, there were no desks in the classrooms for the students studying in the high schools. They were sitting on the floor even for the exams. Under this project, our club supplied 800 desks for about 15 schools.



Started in 2006, this Eye Hospital regularly conducts Camp- based Cataract Surgeries with IOL implants. It caters to poor people in the society and entire surgery along with spectacles, medicines and food during their stay at the Hospital are provided totally free of cost. For the patients coming from outside Hospet, bus charges are reimbursed. Screening camps to select the patient is conducted on every Thursday, patients who needs surgeries will be identified and all the patients selected will under go medical tests Viz. HIV, Hb, Blood sugar, BP Etc. Those patients found with satisfactory results will be given surgery date. Such patients will be admitted on day earlier to the surgery date. Surgeries will be performed by qualified ophthalmic Pampapathy Rotary Eye Hospital has gain considerable reputation for its quality surgeries. By word of mouth publicity, people from far off places are also benefitting and  undergoing Cataract Surgeries. At present 80 to 85 patients are operated in each camp (monthly). R. Pampapathy Rotary Eye Hospital has performed more than 9000 surgeries in the last 10 years of its illustrious existence.



C Hospet has adopted Govt. Girls School at Hospet with 2000 students, in the year 2006 07 and following facilities have been created, New Urinal Block has been constructed. Existing Toilets were repaired & brought back to use. New Class Room were built. Desks have been provided in classrooms.

Prathibha Puraskar worth Rs. 10,000/ is distributed to Merit Students every year. Selected under HAPPY SCHOOLS and spent Rs. 6,00,000/- During the Year 2016-17.

Pathikonda Kamalamma Sannappa Setty Rotary Primary School & P.S, Shankarappa Setty & Sons Higher Primary School.  Donors: Pathikonda Prabhakar & Shankarappa Setty & Sons.

With the intension of providing quality education at very affordable fee Rotary Club initiated this project in 2006 with one class room. Now it has growen up to 8th standard with 350 students and a stoff of 20 and 17 class rooms. Ample playground and modern infrastructure is provided in the schools. From 2016-17 academic year the school has been converted from Kannada medium to English medium school.